Plaster, shed snake skin, walnut ink, encaustic medium
11 1/2 inches
There has been so much on my mind that even in art making
I can't concentrate.
This piece is the result of a happy accident.
There is a hanger on the back of the bowl
which I completely spaced out as I glued the snake skin.
I had intended a different orientation.
Crap. Time to walk away for a while.
Grabbed the walnut ink and started dripping the ink
starting at the lip of the bowl.
It started running in different directions following the crevices.
Crap. Time to walk away for a while.
Decided to connect some of the drips.
The shapes that formed repeated the snake skin.
Slathered a couple of layers of encaustic medium over everything.
I like it.
Yesterday Paul and I celebrated out 23rd anniversary.
Where does the time go?!
We drove to Door County to drop off art work.
First stop was The Dovetail Gallery in Egg Harbor.
Had a nice visit with Kathy and looked at what other artists dropped off.
Kathy carves egg shells with a Dremmel, they are fabulous!
Time for lunch, so we stopped and ate at The Chef's Hat
It's a favorite place.
Then, all the way up to Gill's Rock and Charlene's Gallery Ten.
Kate & Sarah were there to check in all the art
in between manning the coffee house.
Time for a pick me up...a nice strong roomy americano.
We decided it was time to head for home.
When we got back to Milwaukee
Paul wanted to go to Le Reve for our anniversary dinner.
It was lovely, champagne, brie crostini, mussels and a prosciutto salad.
A glass of port and creme brulee.
Today we continued packing mom's apartment
getting ready for the movers to come early tomorrow.
There is a lot to do, we're making progress.
Right foot, left foot, breathe.
Time to get some sleep.
Good night!