I asked my doctor to draw a picture of what he did to my knee. The cartilage was gone on the inside of my knee, so he put in 2 metal plates. A ligament on the left side was pulling my knee cap out of alignment, so he fixed that as well. I can't believe how great I feel. I went in for surgery on Tues. and came home on Friday. I couldn't wait to get home. It is impossible to get a solid block of sleep in. Every 4 hours someones coming in to check your vitals, refill the ice in the polar cooler, asking me to flex my feet and check the pulse in my feet, taking blood, giving me pills, pills and more pills. Checking the IV....etc. What I do miss is dialing 3663 and having someone ask me what I want to eat AND then bringing it to me. Sadly I don't have this feature at home.
This is my new best friend, the CPM machine. Continuous passive motion. Strap your leg in and it moves your leg for you. Each day I increase the flexion. I'm at 100 now! 100 degree bend, that's pretty awesome. PT also gave me a list of exercises to do. Some are harder than others, but as I do them they are becoming easier. I have a walker, but my house is pretty small, so I have been hanging on to things for balance. The walker is just too big and is always in the way. I start PT on Wednesday afternoon, looking forward to getting on with it. Planning on going back to work next Monday. I have to remember to take it easy, rest and ice, not overdo.....
I has home for 5 minutes when these beauties showed up! One of the brokers and his 2 assistants that I work with sent these. They are just gorgeous!! More later....I need a nap.......

Wishing you a speedy recovery :) I can't say enough good things about my p.t. this fall. Hope you get a good one! Love your positive attitude... sure to make you heal faster!
i'm so glad you posted an update and that your recovery is going so well... it is such a relief to hear, given how much you have had going on these last months...
that is a lovely lovely bouquet... i just love to have flowers around me :)
(thank you for stopping by with your kind words)...
best of continued healing wishes coming your way...
Hi Chris,
I was so glad to "hear" from you on my blog the other day. I'm sending you healing thoughts and good vibes for a fast recovery.
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